Find your space funding calls with OpenCalls.Space!

Netherlands Space Office
Commissioned by the Netherlands Space Office, dotSPACE is launching a new initiative to support the Dutch space sector in finding relevant Horizon Europe and other European funding calls. This initiative will be managed by Groundstation under the name OpenCalls.Space. The project includes a portal with all relevant calls, including factsheets, and a series of information webinars. dotSPACE offers support to organisations looking to find suitable consortium partners.
One of the objectives of the OpenCalls.Space initiative is to make the Dutch space sector more actively aware of opportunities and enable Dutch organisations to showcase, apply and share their knowledge in European consortia. This will strengthen both the Dutch and the European space industry simultaneously.
Funding calls for the space sector
The funding calls that will be collected in the portal include the new Horizon Europe calls, but also calls from other sources, like the European Development Fund (EDF) and Digital Europe. Initially, the calls in the portal cover potential space applications in sectors like health, civil security, climate, energy, mobility, and bioeconomy, with more sectors being added over time.
The new open calls portal offers great opportunities for a wide variety of space organisations, including those specialising in space, Earth observation, remote sensing, and satellite navigation technology and applications.
Webinar on climate calls 8 July 2021
On 8 July 2021 the Netherlands Space Office and dotSPACE organise the third in a series of webinars in which we will highlight some of the best calls for the Dutch and European space sector. Please join these webinars to learn more about these great (new) business opportunities, to find potential consortium partners and find out about the dotSPACE services for writing successful proposals!
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