Unlock the potential of space funding opportunities

Horizon Europe funding is a great opportunity to get your space technologies, satellite and remote sensing projects off the ground. But navigating the complex and competitive process of securing funding can be daunting. We have heard time and again that researchers and businesses spend the most time searching for suitable opportunities.

That is why we offer a unique service called ‘Deep Scan.’ Our ‘deep search’ service will find the best fundingand tender opportunities, and can include Call Monitoring, Call Identification, Call Analysis, Partnerships Facilitation, Proposal Development Support. 

The Open Calls Deep Scan includes:

  • Insights from a team of European policy and innovation experts with 50+ years of experience of setting up international projects in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe;
  • Access to a network of thousands of organisations centred around funding opportunities and collaboration;
  • Over 100 million euros of European funding in our calls database waiting to be activated!

‘Open Calls Deep Scan’ supports you in every step, from identifying relevant funding opportunities and building partnerships. Are looking to develop new technologies or advance your remote sensing research, contact us today!


Sign up for regular updates on new funding opportunities via our newsletter, open calls website and webinars!

Premium Service
950 euro/year

  • Active call monitoring by our team of experts;
  • Call identification based on your organisation profile, requirements and tailored keywords;
  • Continuous call analysis;
  • Six monthly report with tailored opportunities for your organisation.

Contact us