Open Calls Network: Space for Biodiversity

 Open Calls Network: Space for Biodiversity

This week, the Open Calls Network hosted the ‘Biodiversity’ webinar. During this event, both speakers and participants had a look at opportunities for collaboration between Dutch and European organisations that are active in space, space data, and space applications.

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The Open Calls Network is an initiative of the Netherlands Space Office NSO in collaboration with dotSPACE, aiming at increasing awareness of funding opportunities for the Dutch and European space sectors.

Last webinars

During the summer of 2022, the Open Calls Network hosted five webinars on topics relevant to the Horizon Europe programme:

Open Calls Network: Space for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities

Open Calls Network: Space for Digital and Industry

Open Calls Network: Space for Safety and Defence

Open Calls Network: Space for Ocean and Waters

Open Calls Network: Space for Climate

“Biodiversity” webinar

On Tuesday 11 October 2022 the webinar topic was “Biodiversity”.

Martijn Los, Senior Policy Officer at NWO (Dutch Research Council) presented an overview of the Biodiversa+ Partnership.

Biodiversa+ is the new European Biodiversity Partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity with an impact on society and policy. It was jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission as part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, and will contribute to the ambition that “by 2030, nature in Europe is back on a path of recovery, and that by 2050 people are living in harmony with Nature”

Andrei Bocin-Dumitriu (dotSpace foundation) presented open funding calls related to space for biodiversity.

Leon Hauser from Biodiv Watch did a 1-minute pitch:

Sys Hamed Mehdipoor from Spectro-AG did a 1-minute pitch:

Patricia Oliveira from BioTec-Amazônia did a 1-minute pitch:

In case you missed this webinar you can watch the webinar recordings and download speaker presentations here:

Horizon Europe Callout: Transformative action of policy mixes, governance and digitalisation addressing biodiversity loss

Image credit: Freepik

Open Call Reference: HORIZON-CL6-2024-BIODIV


In line with the European Green Deal priorities, in particular with the EU biodiversity strategy 2030 and the 2030 Climate Pact, successful proposals will develop knowledge and tools to understand the role of transformative change for biodiversity policy making, address the indirect drivers of biodiversity loss, and
initiate, accelerate and upscale biodiversity-relevant transformative changes in our society


  • Foresight on society’s well-being based on realistic assumptions on careful use of natural capital and analysis of the consequences in terms of economic growth
  • Evaluation of feasibility and limits of decoupling economic activities from natural capital use
  • Knowledge and understanding of the transformative changes needed to address the indirect drivers of biodiversity loss
  • Operational knowledge available to, and used by policy-makers, on indirect drivers of biodiversity loss that are underpinned by societal values and behaviours, and on the transformative changes that are necessary to tackle these indirect drivers
    Improved and new systemic, sustainable policy mixes and governance approaches
  • Methods and tools promoting win-win solutions for biodiversity and socio-economic objectives
  • Approaches to facilitate the application of such methods and tools are identified and used while factoring in societal and political processes
  • A better understanding of the impacts on, risks and opportunities for the biodiversity of digital transformation
  • Identification and assessment of how system-level change affecting biodiversity through social innovation happens
  • Testing active intervention by R&I policy and sector policies

Opening date: TBD

See more funding opportunities here

Be open to the Open Calls Network!

To not miss the announcements of each webinar and follow the news of the network, please subscribe to the Open Calls Network newsletter:

We also invite you to join the new Open Calls Network Linkedin page.

Be open to the Open Calls Network!

Featured image credit: Freepik

Kacia Rutkoŭskaja

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