Join the webinar on Public-Private partnerships for Copernicus Water Services

Announcing the April 2022 edition in the Water-ForCE webinar series: This month you are invited to a webinar on “Public-Private Partnerships for Copernicus Water Services”.
Wednesday 27 April 2022, from 16:00 CET
Together with the organisers and speakers of this online event, you will look at how European and international regulations enable Copernicus water applications. The impact of policies on commercial activity in this sector will also be considered, to assess the impact on Copernicus uptake.
Webinar background

The use of the Copernicus program for monitoring inland waters highlights the links with the political and legislative cycle. This connection covers water policies as well as policies related to agriculture and the environment. Decision-making in these domains is taking into account existing Earth Observation technologies, which is greatly aided by innovations developed in the private sector.
Date and time: April 27, 2022 16:00 CET
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About Water-ForCE
All six Copernicus Services (Atmosphere, Marine, Land, Climate Change, Security, Energy) deliver water and hydrology related services. However, the European Commission noticed that this way it is hard to get a comprehensive understanding of the global water cycle, there are gaps in water related products, there are certain aspects of duplication and it is hard for different user communities to find relevant Copernicus products. Therefore, the Horizon2020 Space Programme had a call for a Coordination and Support Action project: “Copernicus evolution: Mission exploitation concept for WATER” to find the best long-term mission concept.
Go here for the Water-ForCE website

Featured image credit: Freepik