EU Tender Callout: Services Supporting the European Environment Agency (EEA)
In this series of ‘callouts’ we highlight open funding calls that are relevant to the Dutch and European space data sector. These calls are selected through the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) and Groundstation.Space ‘Open Calls’ initiative, offering a searchable portal of all open funding calls relevant for the space (data) sector.
Services Supporting the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) Activities in the Context of the EEA-RTD Service Level Agreement on Mainstreaming GEOSS Data Sharing and Management Principles in Support of Europe’s Environment
EU TED.eTendering Reference: EEA/DIS/R0/21/016
Need description
The European Environment Agency (EEA) seeks to establish a framework service contract with a service provider within the domain of in-situ Earth observation and geospatial data sharing and management, with focus on data relevant to climate adaptation policies and initiatives. These activities should be carried out in light of the current EEA and EU environmental and climate activities, ensuring the corresponding links to the relevant Group on Earth Observations (GEO) initiatives, flagships and activities.
Objective of the call
The overarching purpose of this competitive procedure with negotiation is to assist the EEA in its activities under the Service Level Agreement on “Mainstreaming GEOSS data sharing and management principles in support of Europe’s environment” signed between the European
Commission (DG Research and Innovation – RTD) and EEA (‘the SLA’).
The EEA seeks to establish a framework service contract with a service provider within the
domain of in-situ Earth observation and geospatial data sharing and management, with focus on data relevant to climate adaptation policies and initiatives. These activities should be carried out in light of the current EEA and EU environmental and climate activities, ensuring the corresponding links to the relevant Group on Earth Observations (GEO) initiatives, flagships and activities.
The services to be delivered by the Contractor encompass primarily both thematic and technical consultancy and support, performing inter alia promotion and/or implementation of data sharing and management activities (e.g. data gathering, metadata creation, analysis of licenses, data accessibility and usability), collection, description, management and validation of data requirements, development of standard methodologies, gap analysis, best practices and recommendations, drafting of technical reports, organisation of workshops and consultations and supporting EEA participation in meetings and working groups.
The future contractor shall build on relevant EEA and Eionet activities, GEO and EuroGEO initiatives, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe research and innovation activities, citizen science initiatives where relevant, and the Copernicus programme, in particular the work carried out by the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (Climate Change and Atmosphere Monitoring), the Commission Joint Research Centre (Global Land Monitoring) and EEA (Land Monitoring and coordination of in-situ data activities).
Full tender description and requirements
You can find the tender summary, as well as the full tender description and all requirements (pdf) on the EU TED page for this tender.
- Tender publication date: 10 August 2021
- Request to participate deadline: 6 September 2021
- Question deadline: 4 October 2021
- Tender submission deadline: 11 October 2021
- Estimated total value: € 750,000
Write a winning proposal
This Horizon Europe call is currently open for proposals, with a deadline of 29 September 2021. NSO and Groundstation.Space will help you find consortium partners and help you write a winning proposal! How? Just follow these three steps!