DotSpace is a Green City Accord Supporter!

 DotSpace is a Green City Accord Supporter!

No, we are not a city, but we are proud to announce to be a supporter of the European Green City Accord! As an active promoter of the use of space data for urban applications, the Dot Space Foundation has officially signed the Green City Accord Supporters Statement!

Organisations interested in promoting the Green City Accord (GCA), in mobilising cities to become Green City Accord signatories, and/or supporting signatories in implementing their GCA commitments are invited to come on board as Supporters.

Supporters may include: networks and associations of local and regional authorities; provinces and regions; national authorities (e.g. relevant ministries); local, regional and national thematic agencies (e.g. environment agencies); international organisations; universities and research organisations; think tanks; non-governmental and civil society organisations. Applications from other organisations will be considered on a case by case basis.

Individual for-profit companies are not eligible.

Sign the Green City Accord Supporters Statement

If you comply with above criteria, then your organisation can become an accord supporter too! There are two steps to becoming a Green City Accord Supporter:

1. Fill out the registration form

2. After the GCA secretariat confirms your eligibility, complete and sign the Green City Accord Supporters’ Statement and email it to the secretariat.

About the Green City Accord

While the EU’s policies over the years have led to significant progress in improving the environment, and in raising standards across the EU Member States, many environmental challenges still prevail. With more than 70% of the EU’s population currently living in urban areas, cities are critical to meeting the EU’s environmental objectives and in helping the EU to become a more sustainable region.

The Green City Accord is a movement of European mayors committed to making cities cleaner and healthier. By signing the Green City Accord, cities agree to achieve by 2030 significant improvements in air quality, water quality and efficiency, progress in conserving and enhancing urban biodiversity and in reducing noise pollution. Cities also commit to advance towards the circular economy by securing a significant improvement in the management of household municipal waste.

Green areas in the heart of Paris (photo: Green City Accord project)

Five Priority areas

By joining the GCA, cities commit to taking further actions in 5 environmental management areas to achieve ambitious goals by 2030 and accelerate the delivery of the European Green Deal requirements. 

GCA signatories are expected to step up efforts and report their progress in each of the five areas every three years, using a limited set of mandatory indicators.

The five environmental areas covered by the Green City Accord are:

Air quality

GCA signatory cities agree to significantly improve air quality in cities, moving closer to respecting the World Health Organization’s Air Quality Guidelines while ending exceedances of EU air quality standards as soon as possible. 

The latest EU development on Air quality can be found here.


In joining the GCA communities, cities commit to achieving substantial progress in improving the quality of water bodies and the efficiency of water use. 

The latest EU developments on Water can be found here.


Signatory cities are engaged in making considerable progress in conserving and enhancing urban biodiversity, including increasing the extent and quality of green areas in cities and halting the loss of and restoring urban ecosystems. 

The latest EU developments on Nature and Biodiversity and be found here.

Waste/Circular Economy

The GCA establishes a clear objective for cities to advance towards the circular economy by securing a significant improvement in the management of household municipal waste, an important reduction in waste generation and landfilling, and a substantial increase in re-use, repair and recycling.

The latest EU developments on Waste and Circular Economy and be found here and here.


Cities endorse in joining the GCA community to significantly reduce urban noise pollution, moving closer to the levels recommended by the World Health Organization. 

The latest EU developments on Noise and be found here.

Why should cities join?

The Benefits

  • Acquire Europe-wide visibility in recognition of your city’s environmental actions and achievements.
  • Contribute to shaping EU environment policy and become part of a community of like-minded cities driving the transition towards a clean and healthy Europe.
  • Increase your transparency, accountability and credibility vis-à-vis the local community.
  • Gain access to information concerning EU funding opportunities.
  • Participate in networking events, avail of capacity-building opportunities.
  • Receive tailored guidance and support via a dedicated helpdesk.
  • Benchmark your city achievements against progress in other cities

Groundstation for smart cities

Read more about our work with cities

Remco Timmermans

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