The proposals should primarily consist of activities aiming to create, underpin and improve disruptive technologies that can achieve significant effects in the area of defence. Further, the proposals must substantiate their disruptive impact and could Read More
Considering the increasing threats and hazards towards space-based capabilities, crosscutting functions and technologies should be developed for better efficiency, safety and resilience of core missions such as space-based Earth observation, positioning navigation and timing, space Read More
“Authorities performing surveillance of maritime borders and maritime wide areas use a range of technologies, and receive a range of information, to monitor wide areas, detect threats or crises, and respond to them. However, these Read More
“To ensure safety of CCAM, it is essential that vehicles are not only safe during the (first) type approval, but also during their complete lifetime in a fast-changing road transport system. Changes can result from Read More
“The objective is the development of systems to become open platforms underpinning an emerging open edge ecosystem including midcaps, SMEs and start-ups that foster edge solutions, which represent a modular functional spectrum of executable apps Read More
“Trustworthy AI solutions, need to be robust, safe and reliable when operating in real-world conditions, and need to be able to provide adequate, meaningful and complete explanations when relevant, or insights into causality, account for Read More
“Developing, piloting and integrating systems, compliance tools and data economy enablers that process the increasing data volumes more efficiently, distill more useful knowledge from data, and contribute to the measurement, labeling, certification and reduction of Read More
Land is a limited resource and needs to be managed carefully to meet the various, conflicting societal demands on land and soil. This includes demands arising e.g. from urbanisation, food/biomass production and environmental Read More
In 2017, 25% of land in Southern, Central and Eastern Europe was estimated to be at high or very high risk of desertification. Risks are likely to increase as a consequence of accelerating climate change and continued Read More
Peat is commonly used as a growing medium in horticulture, as it has an excellent water retention capacity, is highly fertile due to reduced leaching of nutrients and improves soil buffering capacity. It is used Read More