SpaceNed and NIDV sign cooperation agreement

Copyright SpaceNed and NIDV
On June 30, SpaceNed (representing the Dutch space industry) and NIDV (representing the Dutch Defence and Security-related industry) signed an agreement to start closer cooperation, starting with a joint working group “Space for Defence and Security”. The cooperation signals the closer links between security and space and is a timely action as the vision on the future of defence in 2035 will include a chapter on space.
Jeroen Rotteveel, chair of SpaceNed: “Public and private space satellite infrastructure is of strategic importance to our data-driven societies”. He sees cheaper launchers and miniaturisation as drivers for the development of satellite missions by private parties and smaller states, as well as the increase in use of communication, Earth observation and navigation for daily operations.
Ron Nulkes, director of NIDV, emphasises that not only do we need to use, but also protect infrastructure that is strategic to our defence and security domain.
Aim of the cooperation is to champion the relevance of space in the defence and security domain. Activities for the next two years are:
- Write a position paper about space for security and defence purposes;
- Lobby the mutual interests with relevant government departments and politics;
- Joint organisation of events;
- Joint writing of articles for trade journals etc.
Full article on the websites of NIDV and SpaceNed (in Dutch). supports and develops innovation projects in the space domain and can support you in identifying opportunities, searching for partners as well as proposal and project management. Contact Linda van Duivenbode for more information.