Policies Driving Innovation: Unlocking The Full Potential Of Earth Observation In Europe

EARSC, the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies, is pleased to announce the upcoming annual conference, EXPANDEO 2023, to be held on the 13th and 14th of June 2023 at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels and online.
The conference will provide a platform for European Earth Observation companies and stakeholders to learn about current policies and market opportunities while networking to grow their businesses. EXPANDEO 2023 will focus on “Policies Driving Innovation: Unlocking the Full Potential of Earth Observation in Europe.”

The conference will feature ten sessions and 50 high-level speakers to support future-proof policies and legislation. The sessions will cover various topics, including better regulation, data spaces, green deals, partnerships, skills development, and sustainable development agenda.

EXPANDEO will provide an excellent opportunity to learn from policy experts about key EU policy domains and how Earth Observation can be a crucial enabling tool. Attendees will also gain a better understanding of the needs of different sectors and explore the evolution of the underlying infrastructure, the optimal uptake of EO and modern ways to raise awareness on key topics with the help of EO.
Attendees will have the opportunity to establish and grow business relationships by interacting with potential partners and stakeholders, increase brand awareness, and receive recognition of the EO industry by taking part in the EARSC Awards 2023.
You can already register for the event and learn more about its partners.
For more information and to register for the conference, please visit the official website of EXPANDEO 2023.