EUSST system architecture engineering & evolutions: the analysis of the EU SST system architecture needs to continuously progress to evaluate how the system has to evolve at medium and long term, not only at network level (type, performance, number, geographical localisation… of assets) but also at data processing and at services level.
(to be developed)
-Foster European cooperation in the SST domain and improve the EUSST performance towards larger autonomy.
-Highlight and propose solutions to fill the gaps in the current EUSST architecture.
-Pave the way on which the EUSST system has to evolve towards a higher level of performance (e.g. accuracy; number / size of catalogued objects…), quality of service (e.g. timeliness of information…) and autonomy.
-Demonstrate the complementarity, coherence and added-value of each element of EUSST system towards a more autonomous, interoperable SST system.