The objective of the CSA is to prepare the development of the inland waters part (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, snow and ice etc.) of the Mission Knowledge system, and address activities to be developed to make it integrated or interoperable with the Digital Twin Ocean for a unified Digital twin of Ocean and waters for the Mission and the lighthouses.
-Address the various facets of fresh water systems from static knowledge to dynamic monitoring of runoffs, hydrology, hydrodynamics, biogeochemistry to biology, interactions with soils and seas, for climate purposes, water management or natural disasters (e.g. flood, drought) etc.
-Address different scales from catchment to global perspectives of the water cycle
-Inventory and prioritisation of EU/cross-boundary or international policies (WFD but not only) and topics to be addressed by the knowledge system on inland waters including principles of interfacing with national meteorological services duties including for climatology
-Inventory of current actions and projects (including European and National research projects and Research Infrastructures) ongoing to get access and further develop inland water monitoring (from observations to forecasting or projections) that goes beyond the duties of the national meteorological services
-Digital service portfolio relevant for a digital twin on inland waters -Roadmap for the integration of existing assets and development of necessary digital functionalities in a digital twin for inland waters, aligned with the Destination Earth and EU data spaces initiatives