Quantum Space Gravimetry Phase-B study & Technology Maturation

Open Call Reference: HORIZON-SPACE-2024-01-64

The final objective of this call is to prepare the next phases of the implementation of a Quantum Space Gravimetry pathfinder mission. To achieve this objective, one proposal for a phase B study, as specified in ECSS‐M‐ST‐10C, leading to a preliminary definition of a quantum space gravimetry pathfinder mission, will be selected.

-Covering both quantum space gravimetry payload and satellite platforms
-Implementation of measures that will enhance technological readiness of the critical components leading to TRL 6/7 at the end of the project

-Support the EU space policy and the green deal by providing the detailed definition of a quantum space gravimetry pathfinder mission
-Ensure EU sovereignty and non-dependence for the development of capacities leading to the availability of quantum space gravimetry
-Enhance the TRL of the critical components necessary to build quantum gravimetry for space

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