Designing space-based downstream applications with international partners

Open Call Reference: HORIZON-EUSPA-2023-SPACE-01-46

Cooperation with international partners, either public or private, is key to promoting the uptake of satellite navigation, position and timing, to enable non-EU countries to benefit from the advanced and unique features offered by EGNOS and Galileo, as well as allows promoting the uptake of Copernicus globally and build open data policy


– Focus on technical developments of EU-space based applications/solutions, dissemination, awareness-raising, as well as provide opportunities for the creation of business-oriented partnerships of European industry with international partners


– The use of EGNSS and sharing of expertise with public and/or private entities to introduce EU-space based applications/solutions leveraging their innovative, unique features, in particular Galileo differentiators and EU know-how
– The use of Copernicus data, to jointly develop algorithms, services and/or products, which serve local user needs and/or enhance the Copernicus global product quality
– The combined use of EGNSS and Copernicus to develop innovative downstream applications combining positing navigation and timing with Earth observation services

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