Copernicus Global Land Cover and Tropical Forest Mapping and Monitoring

Open Call Reference: JRC/2023/OP/0312

The Copernicus Global Land Service will procure a dynamic global land surface characterization, global annual land cover mapping and tropical forest monitoring products at 10m resolution. The procurement will ensure the continuity of the production of the Global Land Cover map collection, the provision of a continuous dynamic generation of land surface and cover characteristics on sub-annual and annual basis and the development and implementation of a tropical forest monitoring component.

The core objectives of this call for services are a continuation and an enhancement of the implementation and operation of the global land cover and land cover change product generation, including the generation of specific forest products.


-Continuity of Copernicus Global Land Cover map collection.
-Generation of land surface and cover characteristics on sub-annual and annual basis.
-Development and implementation of tropical forest monitoring component.
-Improvement of land cover products: Finer spatial and temporal resolutions, higher accuracies, and use-oriented results.
-Provision of products at sub-annual time intervals in near real time.
-Frequent updates of land surface and land cover characteristics.

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