Copernicus-based applications for businesses and policy-making

Open Call Reference: HORIZON-EUSPA-2023-SPACE-01-43

Applications will build on Copernicus data and the latest evolution of the Copernicus services and may combine these with other sources of data or services, in particular, where relevant, other space capacities like data collection, satcom, navigation, in particular the European satellite positioning/navigation/timing services and EGNSS technologies.


Development of:
-Copernicus Emergency service downstream applications
-Copernicus Security service downstream applications
-Copernicus Marine service downstream applications
-Copernicus Land service downstream applications
-Copernicus Climate Change service downstream applications
-Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring service downstream applications


-Develop a wide range of applications for businesses and policy-making, including ones that are transversal across several or all of the six services
-Enhance existing applications or develop new applications and products relying on Copernicus data and services, making impact on users, business and/or answering needs from public authorities

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