Paris Space Week 2023

By Proximum365 and Vimeet

Paris Space Week 2023




– Organiser: Proximum365 and Vimeet
– Language: English
– Virtual or in-person: In-person

The Paris Space Week (PSW) business meetings focus on 4 main thematics:

Thematic N°1 – Satellites

Satellites are a crucial part and  the Top Priority of today’s Space Industry, as referring  to your needs, from the previous annual event. They are used for a wide range of purposes such as GPS, internet and radio communications, weather forecasting and television broadcasting.

Their capability of overviewing a wide range of the earth enhances their effectiveness at collecting data more so than other instruments on the ground, making them crucial in today’s communication.

Large Groups, Governments, Space Agencies will be able to discover new technologies and concepts for:

  • Satellite payloads, mission systems and equipment
  • Satellite propulsion and power systems
  • Satellite materials and components

Thematic N°2 – Launchers

Launchers are the second largest area of Space-manufacturing activity in Europe after commercial satellites, boosting European Industries, and thus, becoming PSW’s priority.

You will meet Key Accounts (Investors, R&D, purchasing, project leaders, decision makers, etc.) who are always looking for Innovations and to introduce the launcher programs from the National Space Agencies.

  • Discover new technologies and services integrated in their new Launcher programs.
  • Identify and find partners in the R&D, who could also respond to their actual needs.
  • Develop their corporate network system.
  • Find suppliers who offer their services or products in order to develop the European Space sector’s launchers category: (Rockets, Cargos, and others).

Thematic N°3 – Ground Systems

Whether traveling near Earth or deep into our Solar System, every Spacecraft is supported by a sophisticated ‘Ground segment’, including: computer systems, software, telecommunication networks and other resources that enable engineers and scientists to send commands and receive data from the “on board” instruments.

Following your input regarding this event, you will get the opportunity to meet with key players associated with this field of activity, including experts who establish Ground Control Systems and equipment and/or Ground Systems Control services.

Thematic N°4 – Space Applications

Space applications related to Earth Observation, Telecommunications and Global navigation can play a vital role in supporting disaster risk reduction, response, and recovery efforts, by providing accurate and timely information to decision-makers.

Paris Space Week (PSW) is THE opportunity to meet new prospects and find new concepts to improve the accuracy and timing of the information that the Space applications provide: (Data collection, 3D simulation, numeric models…).