The 78th Dutch Astronomers’ Conference (“Nederlandse Astronomenconferentie” NAC2022) is organized by the Sterrenkundig Observatorium of Ghent University under the auspices of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Astronomenclub/Royal Netherlands Astronomical Society (KNA/RNAS) and will be held in Blankenberge, a very popular holiday destination on the Belgian seaside, from the 30th of May to the 1st of June 2022.
The conference is held at Duinse Polders, a seaside holiday centre. We have block-booked hotel rooms (for 1 or 2 people) and holiday houses (for 4 people) on-site for 2 nights from Monday 30/05 to Wednesday 1/06. Upon registration (see Important Dates), you can fill out your housing preferences. You do not need to make your own housing arrangements for the duration of the NAC2022! If you want to arrive earlier or leave later than the period we block-booked, please contact Duinse Polders, either via their contact page or by telephone at +32 50 43 24 00. State clearly that you attend the NAC2022.
SOC (in collaboration with the NOVA networks)
- Sven De Rijcke (UGent)
- Hans Van Winckel (KULeuven)
- Caroline Straatman (UGent)
- Jérémy Chastenet (UGent)
- Angelos Nersesian (UGent)
- Nina Sartorio (UGent)
- Ignas Snellen (Leiden University, NL)
- Sven De Rijcke
- Maarten Baes
- Arjen van der Wel
- Ilse De Looze
- Herwig Dejonghe
- Brian Van Den Noortgaete (ICT)
- Inge van der Vennet (secretary)
Willem de Graaffprijs
The Willem de Graaffprijs is granted every 3 years to a professional astronomer or space researcher, who has contributed in an extraordinary way to the popularization of astronomy and/or space research.
In 2007 the prize was awarded to prof. dr. John Heise, in 2010 to prof. dr. Vincent Icke, in 2013 to prof. dr. Peter Barthel, in 2016 to Dr. Joeri van Leeuwen and in 2019 to dr. Sera Markoff.
More information about this prize can be found here.
Pastoor Schmeitsprijs
The Pastoor Schmeitsprijs is awarded every three years by the association “Pastoor Schmeitsprijs voor Sterrekunde” (founded in 1978) with the aim of stimulating the study of astronomy, through awarding astronomers with great merit.
The prize is awarded to astronomers with the Dutch nationality or inhabiting the Netherlands, with an outstanding astronomical publication in the last five years and is worth 1500 euros.
More information about this prize can be found here.