EGMS and climate adaptation
The European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) is a brand-new type of geospatial data, with the power to revolutionise the understanding of ground deformation phenomena and geological hazards across Europe.
In order to facilitate the uptake of this novel product type, the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) team is delighted to announce a series of thematic webinars that will guide users towards a better understanding of the EGMS and the use of its products. The webinars are open for all.
All webinars will start at 11.00 CET (10.00 GMT) and last one hour, including a live Q&A session. Following each webinar, the presentations and relevant discussion points will be uploaded here.
The webinar platform requires you to install an app in order to participate in the meeting. Please note our privacy policy.
The free and open accessibility of EGMS products heralds a new and exciting era of public and private opportunities for all those interested in geospatial sciences, so please feel free to share this link with your peers.