The European Space Agency (ESA) has ambitious goals for space commercialisation, fostering industrial competitiveness, and increasing investment in the Earth observation domain. As the space industry continues to grow, one of ESA’s top priorities is to create and help companies seize opportunities that leverage societal benefits and commercial gain from space, making Europe a commercial space hub in a wide range of domains, including Earth observation.
Driving innovation is one of the keys and ESA has a number of initiatives and programmes with this goal. In-cubed, the BIC’s and accelerators, and the phi-lab are all examples where ESA has led the way. Destin-E is another initiative that may lead to more commercial innovation.
In a broader sense, one of ESA’s strategic priorities which can enable commercialisation is the “Space for a Green Future” accelerator announced in 2021, which seeks to support Europe’s Green Transition actors and accelerate the use of space by mobilising resources and scaling solutions. In the context of this and other projects, ESA supports European industry through a wide range of projects and initiatives that can help Europe continue to unlock the potential of EO and its many applications.
Despite these many initiatives and extensive ambition, many challenges remain in enhancing the European EO sector’s industrial competitiveness and facilitating commercial uptake. Many market opportunities remain untapped by the European EO sector and ESA is pursuing a number of ways to embrace this. New tools such as the Dynamic Purchasing System for new EO data as well as the use of Open Source and Data Quality Management are being tested.
In this EOCafe, our guest, Gordon Campbell (Head of Enterprise, EO Data Applications Division, EO Programmes Directorate, ESA) will discuss with our host Geoff Sawyer (EARSC Strategic Advisor and former Secretary General) ESA’s ambitions towards industrial competitiveness and goals for facilitating market uptake of EO technologies and data.
Some of the topics which they will be addressing in this EOCafe are:
- What is ESA’s approach for helping companies to prepare for a new era in Earth Observation?
- What is ESA’s goal in terms of European commercial capabilities?
- What tools are envisaged for supporting the European EO industry?
- ESA has been very active in introducing European companies and capabilities into the International Finance Sector, will this continue and if so what direction is foreseen?
- To what extent is ESA a bridge between the ultimate users of EO-derived information and the companies able to deliver such services?
- To what extent does the Green Transition feature as a driver for the new ESA actions?
- How does ESA maintain a balance between scientific drivers for actions compared to those aimed at stimulating commercial business?
Registration: The webinar is open to all. Registration is free but compulsory.
Please note this is a virtual event!
EOcafe is part of a series of EARSC meetings that offer timely, relevant, and practical information on a broad variety of topics related to the EO sector. Join us every two weeks to discuss and network while enjoying a cup of coffee with friends.
- The use of a video camera is not mandatory but is encouraged to facilitate better interaction between the attendees and the guest speaker(s).
- The EOcafe will stay open after 17:00 in case our guests want to continue the discussion.
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If you have any questions, and/or you want to know more about the EOcafe, and/or you want to share an idea about a future EOcafe, please contact Natassa (