Technologies and generic building blocks for Electrical Propulsion

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Open Call Reference: HORIZON-CL4-2022-SPACE-01-12

This topic aims at increasing the effort for maturing technologies and generic building blocks towards both incremental and disruptive technologies for Electric Propulsion systems products up to TRL 5/6 for thruster components, electric power architecture and products, as well as fluidic management systems and components

– R&I on generic building blocks technologies for thruster components (anode configuration, magnetic nozzle, cathode, materials, alternative propellants, new manufacturing processes)

– R&I on electrical power architecture and related components (PPU, direct drive, etc.)

– R&I on fluidic management system and related components

– Strengthen the European capacity to compete worldwide in electric propulsion satellites and missions
– Technologies matured to at least TRL 5/6 at component level
– Matured industrialisation aspects for high TRL solutions
– Contribution to the preparation of the evolution of electric propulsion systems including HET, GIE, HEMPT, in four power classes (very low up to 0,3 kW; low: 0,3-1,5 kW; medium 3- 7 kW; high 12-20 kW)

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