New & improved EUSST Missions and Services

Open Call Reference: HORIZON-CL4-2024-SPACE-SST-MS

In the coming years, an increase in the number of active objects in orbit is foreseen (e.g. deployment of mega-constellations, increased number of non-manoeuvrable small objects – SmallSats for research and scientific purposes, etc.). Additionally, the number of objects (active and inactive) to be handled by SST systems will also increase due to the use of sensors with a higher detection capability.

R&I activities on:
-Evolution of the Collision Avoidance service towards a higher responsiveness in the case of risks, and in all phases of the spacecraft life
-Evolution of the EUSST system for debris mitigation in order to reduce space debris generation
-Evolution of the EUSST system for space debris remediation by managing the existing space debris
-Evolution of the EUSST Service Provision Portal in line with the evolution of the existing services and the inclusion of additional new ones

Keep the knowledge and capabilities of Europe on the Space Surveillance and Tracking domain at the leading edge.
-Adapt, improve and evolve the current EUSST initial services (Collision Avoidance; Fragmentation; Re-entry) portfolio to future user needs and space environment.
-Improve the overall performance of the EUSST services and ensure, in the long-term, a high level of performance and appropriate autonomy at Union level.
-Identify and define new missions and services (e.g. debris mitigation; debris remediation).
-Explore the implementation of new services, in complement of the three existing ones.
-Support the pre-developments and end-to-end early demonstration of new SST services.

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