The proposed innovation actions for the Blue Parks will seek the most effective and efficient protection and restoration measures, tailored to the specific biogeographical area or marine region. Activities leading to the creation of protected areas should concentrate on areas of high biodiversity value or potential321 and be consistent with the EU Guidance to Member States on the designation of additional protected or strictly protected areas
-Address the degradation of coastal and marine habitats, including degraded seabed habitats and will develop and demonstrate protection and restoration solutions to upgrade and enhance the EU’s blue natural capital
-Identify the connection between marine ecosystems, including seabed habitats and their biodiversity
-Reinforced ecosystem services from restored and protected marine areas
-Seabed protection and restoration solutions, including to preserve seabed carbon sequestration capacity
-Socio-economic transition processes through innovative solutions for ecosystem-based management of marine protected areas -Enhanced resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems
-A blue print for the identification of ecological corridors as part of a blue Trans-European Nature Network, and a strategy to build such a network