NAC 2022 will be held on 05 September & 06 September at Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht
NAC 2022 welcomes you back in person in Utrecht on Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 September 2022. Reconnect face to face with colleagues in Van der Valk Hotel, Utrecht. New registration and abstract submission will be required. Begin your congress experience by submitting an abstract not later than Wednesday 11 May 2022, 11:59 h CEST. We can’t wait to see you this September!
The 18th edition of NAC (Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres) brings together the research fields within the Earth and Environmental Sciences. The event aims to continue to provide a true interdisciplinary forum for discussion and for young scientists to present their research results to a broad audience.
The NAC was founded in 1992 by KNAW, KNGMG, and NWO. Since then, 17 editions of the NAC were held with scientists from all research fields within the Earth Sciences. NAC 2022 will be organised and sponsored by the Domain Science of the Dutch Research Council NWO.
Check out the programme here
The Programme Committee of NAC 2022 is tasked with compiling a broadly appealing programme. Contributions will be scheduled as oral presentations that take place in parallel sessions spread over the two days of the congress. In addition there will be dedicated poster sessions each day, with ample time during the programme for visiting the posters.
Based on the keywords selected during submission of abstracts (see list below), the total number of abstracts and the topics submitted, the Programme Committee will arrange the abstracts into broader overarching parallel sessions. The themes of these parallel sessions will e.g. focus on specific or timely issues in the field of Earth Sciences, or they can aggregate contributions with a methodological or topical similarity. The committee will then decide if an abstract is accepted as an oral or poster presentation within one of those sessions. As the conference will be an interdisciplinary meeting ground for geoscientists, this procedure aims at encouraging researchers from all fields in Earth and Environmental Sciences to connect, interact and present their progress of research.