This event is organised by The Iliad Digital Twin of the Ocean as part of a series of webinars.
During the event, we will discuss the role of best practices and standards in the evolution of interoperability in Digital Twins of the Ocean
Webinar Agenda:
- Welcome, and introduction. Bente Lilja Bye, BLB
- Best Practices and Standards support interoperability. Jay Pearlman, IEEE
- Piloting an information management framework for environmental digital twins. Justin Buck, NOC UK
- Why are the development and adoption of standards instrumental to Digital Twins? Marie-Francoise Voidrot, OGC
- Is citizen scientists’ training relevant in achieving data quality and interoperability? Luigi Ceccaroni, Earthwatch)
- OceanPractices: building inclusive best practices and standards Rebecca Zitoun (GeoMar)