Digital Twins of the Ocean: UN DITTO, ILIAD and European Digital Twins of the OCEAN




At 14:00
At 15:50
Lisbon, Portugal Pavilion,


– Organiser: ILIAD
– Condition to participate: Free registration
– Language: English
– Virtual or in-person: In-person

As part of the second UN Ocean Conference, a Digital Twins of the Ocean workshop will be held in the exterior of the Portugal Pavilion on 27th June 2022.

Digital Twins of the Ocean (DITTO) is one of the actions of the 2021-2030 United Nations Decade of Oceans Science for Sustainable Development.

Digital Twins of the Ocean will become a digital framework in which all marine data, modelling and simulation, along with AI algorithms and specialised tools including best practice, will enable shared capacity to access, manipulate, analyse, and visualise marine information.

It will enable users and partners to create ocean related development scenarios addressing issues such as energy, mining, fisheries, tourism, and nature-based solutions. Digital-Twins can quantify benefits and environmental change and provide powerful visualisations. DITTO will empower ocean professionals including scientific users to create their own local or topical digital twins of ‘their ocean issue’ by using standard workflows.

This workshop will present the Digital Twin of the Ocean concept with a basis in the UN DITTO initiative. It will further present various ongoing Digital Twin of the Ocean projects, in particular the European Digital Twin of the Ocean and the ILIAD Digital Twins of the Ocean Green Deal project.

The workshop is separated into two parts:

Part I: UN DITTO and Digital Twins of the Ocean 14:00-14:45

Description: This workshop will present the Digital Twin of the Ocean concept with a basis in the UN DITTO initiative. It will further present various ongoing Digital Twin of the Ocean projects in particular the European Digital Twin of the Ocean and the ILIAD Digital Twins of the Ocean Green Deal project.

Part II: ILIAD and Digital Twins of the Ocean

Description: This workshop will present the Green Deal ILIAD Digital Twin of the Ocean Project’s contributions to the Digital Twins of the Ocean concept. In particular, we will focus on its requirements and architecture, the concept and implementation of a marketplace and general contribution to enhanced decision support on local, regional and global levels.

Registration and Agenda
