Health from Space

By Health from Space

Health from Space 2023




– Organiser: Health from Space
– Language: English
– Virtual or in-person: In-person

Event Objective

The Health from Space conference aims at high level participation of institutions and companies CEOs as well as worldwide experts.

The potential of research, development and manufacturing in space is considerable and will revolutionize traditional Earth-bound development and processing methods. The resulting number of applications is expected to increase dramatically, with pharmaceutical, cosmetics, medical and biotechnology industries being major participants in the frame of the commercialization of space.

New space infrastructures planned to be launched from all over the world (space stations, automated laboratories and factories, and more) will provide exceptional opportunities to conduct experiments and production in a disruptive microgravity environment that meets principal standards and might revolutionize the life sciences and health sectors.

The Health from Space conference will identify synergies and areas of innovation.

Schedule of the event

Pre-scheduled B2B meetings

Identifying projects, ensuring perfect match between supplier’s skills and contractor’s needs.

Key Challenges

Presentations by world-class experts from life science and health sectors and related industries in advanced materials about the major challenges faced today as well as past results from space and expected innovations.

Presentation of New Space Capabilities

State-of-the art new space infrastructure to access space and re-enter from space, as well as to perform in-space servicing and manufacturing of advanced materials and products.

High Level Panels

Technological, economic, commercial, and societal consequences of the new space revolution for the health and new materials sectors.

Innovation Challenges Discover the latest industrial innovations!

The start-ups, innovative SMEs and ETIs selected in advance will present their innovations to a targeted group of executives and investors. Don’t miss their presentations at the next Health from Space Innovation Challenges.

Leads scan Smart leads scan throughout the event

Via your GI Connections web app, scan the badges of your contacts met throughout the different sub-events, in order to retrieve their allowed detail information, where you can rate and add comments.