Organized by OSGeo and with more than 15 years of experience, this international annual gathering of location enthusiasts is the largest global gathering for geospatial software.
FOSS4G brings together developers, users, decision-makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations and fields of operation. Through six days of workshops, presentations, discussions, and cooperation, FOSS4G participants create effective and relevant geospatial products, standards, and protocols.
FOSS4G means Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial
The conference
Organized by OSGeo and with more than 15 years of experience, this international annual gathering of location enthusiasts is the largest global gathering for geospatial software.
FOSS4G brings together developers, users, decision-makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations and fields of operation. Through seven days of workshops, presentations, discussions, and cooperation, FOSS4G participants create effective and relevant geospatial products, standards, and protocols.
Conference attendees are
- Developers and Users of GeoSpatial Software
- Technical Leaders
- Private Companies
- National and International Organizations, both Governmental and NGO
- Teachers and Education Professionals
- Scientific Communities and Researchers
and the talks cover mainly this topics:
- Software status, new software/project development, benchmarking
- FOSS4G implementations in strategic application domains: land management, crisis/disaster response, smart cities, population mapping, climate change, ocean and marine monitoring, etc.
- Data visualization: spatial analysis, manipulation and visualization of geospatial data
- Data collection, data sharing, data science, open data, big data, data exploitation platforms
- Sensors, remote sensing, laser-scanning, structure from motion
- New trends: IoT, Indoor mapping, drones – UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)-, Artificial intelligence – machine learning, deep learning-, geospatial data structures
- Open and reproducible science
- Standards, interoperability, SDIs
- Community & participatory FOSS4G
- FOSS4G at governmental institutions
- FOSS4G in education
- Business products powered by FOSS4G
Our Vision
We are living in difficult times and the role of FOSS is essential for the sustainability and development of many day to day activities. From simple family communication to the development of new platforms for education and geoscience, FOSS today is the key to success.
We understand and cherish the importance of FOSS4G for giving voice to the daring new ideas and developments in perfect harmony with the pillars of what open source for geospatial is, and thus we promise workshops, talks and keynotes that will provoke your mind and give you hope for a better future.
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation was founded to support and build the highest-quality open source geospatial software. The foundation’s goal is to encourage the use and collaborative development of community-led projects, data development and education. Many projects live under the OSGeo umbrella.
Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental organization based in Kosovo established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open source software. FLOSSK also contributes to open and participatory knowledge, education in information technologies through open courseware, and open standards, culture and open society using free communication. Since its founding, FLOSSK has been involved in bringing the IT community closer to free and open source projects by organizing yearly conferences, workshops, meetups and actively participating in public policy development. FLOSSK is an OSGeo and OSMF local chapter in Kosovo.