Join us on 17-18 November 2022 in Brussels or online for the Copernicus Land User Event.
This event will offer an opportunity to:
- Get up-to-date overviews of the CLMS service, In Situ component and GBOV;
- Learn more about using Copernicus land products through demo sessions, use case presentations, and panel discussions;
- Provide your feedback and suggestions to help improve our services;
- Network and share your experiences with using Copernicus products.
Venue: Bedford Hotel & Congress Centre, Rue du Midi 135, 1000 Bruxelles.
Day 1: Thursday 17 November 2022
13:00-13:30 – Registration
13:30-18:00 – Plenary/parallel sessions
- The Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (plenary session)
- Use cases (parallel sessions)
- Keynote Speech (plenary session)
18:00 – Social activity
Day 2: Friday 18 November 2022
9:00-12:45 – Plenary/parallel sessions
- CLMS for current environmental challenges (parallel sessions)
- Service evolution and user-oriented products (parallel sessions)
- Wrap-up (plenary session)
13:30-15:00 – Demo/training sessions (parallel sessions)
A more detailed programme and a registration link will be published here at the end of September 2022.