This annual event brings together the disaster and risk management community into a discussion on the impact and evolution of the Copernicus Emergency Management Services (CEMS).
The CEMS Assembly 2022 brings together experts, users and policy makers to celebrate together the 10 years of service, showcasing CEMS contribution to improve emergency response and disaster risk management in this first decade. Take part in live virtual plenary session and participate in a discussion about the future of our service and user community.
The event invitation with registration information will be sent to you in the upcoming weeks. Keep a lookout and follow our activities on Twitter @CopernicusEMS.

The assembly will include presentations from:
- GHSL: Global Human Settlement Layer
- Rapid Mapping
- Risk & Recovery Mapping
- EFFIS: European Forest Fire Information System
- EDO/GDO: European and Global Drought Observatory
- EFAS/GLOFAS: European and Global Flood Awareness System
- GFM: Global Flood Monitoring